Featured Community
While RHF has more than 190 communities throughout the country, each community is unique in some way. Some of our communities hold Historical Landmark designation, some are located in smaller towns and have a story behind their creation, and some play a more active role in the day-to-day activities of the cities they are located in. This section is meant to introduce you to some of those communities.
The first RHF community to be featured is Angelus Plaza, a city within the downtown area of Los Angeles. More than 1,300 residents (over the age of 65) live in the 4, 16-story buildings in the heart of L.A. Its physical footprint covers two zip codes. On its campus is a 6-story senior center that houses a medical clinic, pharmacy, and offices of numerous non-profits that serve the needs of older adults. The senior center also provides classes and activities throughout the year that attracts tens of thousands of seniors living throughout Los Angeles County. The activities it offers are as diverse as the community it serves.
Angelus Plaza is believed to be the largest subsidized housing community for low-income seniors in the United States.